Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 322 - Sunday June 8th

Info: Good lord, I am finally able to log back in to my blog! Seems someone was trying to HAXXORZ (hack) it or something I was locked out!! But that doesn't mean you get rid of me that easy haha! Today I took my daughter to a USPSA match in Boulder so she could see what it was like as she has been showing an interest in competition. She loved it and was the "squad kiddo" as one guy said. My phone died on me so no pictures unfortunately.

Food Log:

Breakfast: 3 hard boiled eggs, carrot sticks

Lunch: Sausage, carrot sticks, cauliflower with home made Olive oil mayo ranch dip. 1 med sized apple

Dinner: Chicken salad with iceberg lettuce, Olive oil mayo/hot sauce dressing
Snack:  4oz of chicken, was still hungry later on in the night.

Exercise: Ran around on the range today, ~3 miles or so


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