Cauliflower Garlic Mashed


I have toyed around with this recipe for a while and never was able to get it right, it would come out too watery. Then I stumbled upon an article that talked about steaming and it hit me, I needed a steamer insert! A lot of this recipe comes from a site called Nom Nom Paleo but of course I have tweaked a few things to my liking. Give these a try...they really do taste like mashed potatoes!

I will update with how to pics later on, switched phones and my pictures which were supposed to be backed up....weren't


2 heads of Cauliflower
Garlic powder
Sea salt
Cracked Pepper
Clarified butter or Ghee

Equipment needed:

Food Processor
Steamer Insert

This recipe is very simple and straight forward, and really only takes 10-15 minutes total to make!

Step 1: Add about 1 1/2 - 2 inches of water to your pot and set it on the stove, set the burner to high. We want boiling water! Add your steamer insert to the pot.

Step 2: While the water is heating to a boil, wash and cut up the cauliflower. The other cool thing about this recipe is we are going to use the florets and the stems! We just want to remove the greens and any dark areas your cauliflower may have on it. The rest goes in the pot!

Step 3: Add the cauliflower to the pot and dust with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I usually add 1 head of cauliflower and cover the pot while I cut the other one up. By the time you are done cutting the 2nd head, the water should be boiling. Go ahead and throw the second head in to the pot, re dust with seasonings and re-cover. We want to steam for about 10 minutes or so. If you go over or under it isn't a big deal, what we are looking for is soft cauliflower. (there is no set amount for the seasonings, go with your tastes. Garlic I recommend adding during steaming so it "softens" the taste a bit, while salt and pepper can be adjusted later on)

Step 4: Put cauliflower in strainer in the sink to drain any extra water out of it. A few minutes will do the trick.

Step 5: Add cauliflower to your food processor, and add 2 TBS of Clarified Butter/Ghee per head of cauliflower. Put on the lid and puree. You will want to process it until it has the consistency of mashed potatoes. I have a small food processor so this took me 4 times of loading and processing. make sure you split up the butter as well (For example I used 1 TBS evert time I loaded up my little food processor) Do what works for your size of food processor. Adjust salt/pepper to taste while you are processing the cauliflower so if you do need to add more it blends in easily.

Step 6: Enjoy! I dressed my mash up with a little sprinkle of dill, but chives will give your mash an even more authentic potato taste! be creative with your toppings!

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